Books & Articles

Here you find useful information regarding the risks of normalizing solar geoengineering

Read scientific articles discussing the case for an International Non-Use Agreement on Solar Geoengineering

VanDeveer, S.D., Biermann F., E. Kim R.E., Bardi C., & Gupta, A. (2024) – Three Pathways to Nonuse Agreement(s) on Solar Geoengineering. Ethics & International Affairs.


Biermann, F., & Gupta, A. (2024) – A paradigm shift? African countries call for the non-use of solar geoengineering at UN Environment Assembly. PLOS Climate.


Gupta, A., Biermann, F., Van Driel., E., Bernaz, N., Jayaram, D., Kim, R.E., Kotzé, L.J., Ruddigkeit, D., VanDeveer, S.D., & Wewerinke-Singh, M. (2024) – Towards a Non-Use Regime on Solar Geoengineering: Lessons from International Law and Governance. Transnational Environmental Law.


Biermann, F., Oomen, J., Gupta, A., Ali, S.H., Conca, K., Hajer, M.A., Kashwan, P., Kotzé, L.J., Leach, M., Messner, D. Okereke, C., Persson, Å., Potocnik, J., Schlosberg, D., Scobie, M., & VanDeveer, S.D. (2022) – Solar geoengineering: The case for an international non-use agreement. WIREs Climate Change.

If you want to learn why solar geoengineering should not happen

Read Mike Hulme’s 2014 book Can Science Fix Climate Change

If you want to learn how and why geoengineering became a part of climate research 

Read Jeroen Oomen’s 2021 book Imagining Climate Engineering: Dreaming of the Designer Climate

If you want to understand the political history of geoengineering

Read Julia Schubert’s 2021 book Engineering the Climate: Science, Politics, and Visions of Control

Read Clive Hamilton’s 2013 book Earth Masters: The Dawn of the Age of Climate Engineering

If you want to understand diverse views on the ethical aspects of geoengineering

Read Christopher Preston’s 2016 edited volume Climate Justice and Geoengineering

If you want to read about what responsible innovation in geoengineering could mean

Read Jack Stilgoe’s 2016 book Experiment Earth: Responsible Innovation in Geoengineering

If you want to learn about the complicated history of solar geoengineering

Read James R. Fleming’s 2010 book Fixing the Sky

If you want to understand how geoengineering fits into a larger trend of ‘technofixing’

Read Elizabeth Kolbert’s 2021 Under a White Sky

Scientific Articles
These articles highlight some key physical uncertainties

Andy Jones et al. 2021. North Atlantic oscillation response in GeoMIP experiments G6solar and G6sulfur: Why detailed modelling is needed for understanding regional implications of solar radiation management. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics.


Kravitz, B., & MacMartin, D. G. 2020. Uncertainty and the basis for confidence in solar geoengineering research. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.


Charles Gertler et al. 2020. Weakening of the extratropical storm tracks in solar geoengineering scenarios. Geophysical Research Letters.


Schneider, T., Kaul, C. M., & Pressel, K. G. (2020). Solar geoengineering may not prevent strong warming from direct effects of CO2 on stratocumulus cloud cover. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Christopher H. Trisos., Guiseppe Amatulli., Jessica Gurevitch., Alan Robock., Lili Xia., and Brian Zambri. 2018. Potentially dangerous consequences for biodiversity of solar geoengineering implementation and termination. Nature Ecology & Evolution.


Anthony C. Jones et al. 2018. Regional climate impacts of stabilizing global warming at 1.5 K using solar geoengineering. Earth’s Future.


Lawrence, M. G., Schäfer, S., Muri, H., Scott, V., Oschlies, A., Vaughan, N. E., Boucher, O., Schmidt, H., Haywood, J., & Scheffran, J. 2018. Evaluating climate geoengineering proposals in the context of the Paris Agreement temperature goals. Nature Communications.


Andy Jones et al. 2013. The impact of abrupt suspension of solar radiation management (termination effect) in experiment G2 of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP): THE TERMINATION EFFECT IN GEOMIP G2. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.


Alan Robock. 2008. 20 Reasons why geoengineering might be a bad idea. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

These articles highlight some key governance & justice concerns, as well as the historical evolution of solar geoengineering

Kevin Surprise, Duncan McLaren, Ina Möller, J.P. Sapinski, Doreen Stabinsky, Jennie C. Stephens. 2025. Profit-seeking solar geoengineering exemplifies broader risks of market-based climate governance. Earth System Governance,.


Kevin Surprise & J.P. Sapinski. 2022. Whose climate intervention? Solar geoengineering, fractions of capital, and hegemonic strategy. Capital & Class.


Jennie C. Stephens, Prakash Kashwan, Ducan McLaren, Kevin Surprise. 2021. The Dangers of Mainstreaming Solar Geoengineering: A critique of the National Academies Report. Environmental Politics.


Frank Biermann and co-signatories, Jeroen Oomen, Aarti Gupta, Saleem H. Ali, Ken Conca, Maarten Hajer, Mike Hulme, Prakash Kashwan, Louis J. Kotzé, Melissa Leach, Dirk Messner, Chukwumerije Okereke, Åsa Persson, Janez Potočnik, David Schlosberg, Michelle Scobie, Stacy D. VanDeveer. 2021. It is dangerous to normalize solar geoengineering research. Nature.


Duncan McLaren & Olaf Corry. 2021. The politics and governance of research into solar geoengineering. WIREs Climate Change.


Jeroen Oomen & Martin Meiske. 2021. Proactive and reactive geoengineering: Engineering the climate and the lithosphere. WIREs Climate Change.


Aarti Gupta, Ina Möller, Frank Biermann, Sikina Jinnah, Prakash Kashwan, Vikrom Mathur, David Morrow, and Simon Nicholson. 2020. Anticipatory governance of solar geoengineering: conflicting visions of the future and their links to governance proposals. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.


Stephens, Jennie C., and Kevin Surprise. 2020. The hidden injustices of advancing solar geoengineering research. Global Sustainability


Shinichiro Asayama and Mike Hulme. 2019. Engineering climate debt: temperature overshoot and peak-shaving as risky subprime mortgage lending. Climate Policy


Frank Biermann & Ina Möller. 2019. Rich man’s solution? Climate engineering discourses and the marginalization of the Global South. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics.


Aarti Gupta & Ina Möller. 2019. De facto governance: how authoritative assessments construct climate engineering as an object of governance. Environmental Politics.


Catriona MacKinnon. 2019. Sleepwalking into lock-in? Avoiding wrongs to future people in the governance of solar radiation management research. Environmental Politics.


Jane Flegal and Aarti Gupta. 2018. Evoking equity as a rationale for solar geoengineering research? Scrutinizing emerging expert visions of equity. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics.


Duncan McLaren. 2018. Whose Climate and Whose Ethics? Conceptions of Justice in Solar Geoengineering Modelling. Energy Research and Social Science.


Christian Baatz. 2016. Can we have it both ways? On potential trade-offs between mitigation and solar radiation management. Environmental Values


Thilo Wiertz. 2015. Visions of climate control: Solar radiation management in climate simulations. Science, Technology and Human Values.


Clive Hamilton. 2014. Geoengineering and the politics of science. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.


Richard Owen. 2014. Solar radiation management and governance of hubris. Issues in Environmental Science and Technology.


Dale Jamieson. 2013. Some whats, whys and worries of geoengineering. Climatic Change.


Bronislaw Szerszysnki, Matthew Kearnes, Phil Macnaghten, Richard Owen, & Jack Stilgoe. 2013. Why solar radiation management geoengineering and democracy won’t mix. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space


Jonathan Oldfield. 2013. Climate modification and climate change debates among Soviet physical geographers, 1940s-1960s: Climate change debates among Soviet physical geographers. WIRES Climate Change